

SketchTV.lol is all about building a database of comedy sketches. There's no place on the internet that catalogs individual sketches to make them easy to find by category, person, year, etc...

Some sketches seem to be impossible to find anywhere. Others are hidden across YouTube, TikTok, Reddit, Facebook, etc.. Let's find what we can so it's easier to share and enjoy.

If you'd like to help create an account to add your favorite sketches. We have a Discord server as well if you want to collaborate; like trying to find and add sketches with a particular theme.

Adding a Sketch

Adding Images

Saving Changes


This site was created by @swax as a fun open source side project.

The source code is available on GitHub. Discord is where we discuss new feature ideas and bug fixes. It's also a great resource for learning how to build a full stack web application with Next.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQL.